
Hi, My name is Nathan Telford

Fullstack Node.js Developer

Projects I've Worked on

  • SportsTrack

    Type: Open Source

    Mobile Score Board For Sports Enthusiasts. I built this app to allow a coach to custom make a game, keep track of the score, and allow spectators to see the score update real time. Sockets was the key ingredient to make this app a success.

    Reactjs, Node.js, JS, Postgress, Sockets

    Budget Butler

    Type: Open Source

    A budgeting app to help make shopping easy. Using React, My team and I built this app with Walmarts api (and others to come) the user can make a list of items that will be automatically calculated and sent to their phone

    Reactjs, Node.js, JS, Postgress, Redux, MaterialUI, Twilio

  • Current dev stack/ Tools I've used

    • JavaScript
    • Node.js
    • React
    • Expressjs
    • Postgress / SQL
    • Redux, Sass, Less, npm, twilio, materialUi, react beautiful d&d, sockets.


      I'm a hard working, dependable, and adaptable person.

      I recently discovered coding, and instantly found a new passion. I've always been irresistibly drawn to challenges, and as a result coding became the perfect career field for me.

    Always Learning

      My Current Learning Projects Include

      • Sharpening Javascript Skills
      • Learning React Native
      • Gatsby